Message To My 100 Year Young Self

Roses from Lew đź’•

“Follow your Heart ❤️ “

Over the past five years, I have been more actively reaching out to my neighbors to build community and cohesiveness. During this time, I have been developing a wonderful connection with my across the way neighbor who is 87 years young and a former ship captain from Florida. Hence, many people call him “Captain,” but I call him Lew, which is a shortened version of his real name.

A few times, Lew has needed some advice, and I’ve been there to give it. I especially loved the stories of how he loved watching me work on my roses because it reminded him of his wife. “She loved rose’s too! ” he said, and I could sense how much he missed her.

Lew and I have traded food and wine quite a bit by inadvertently knocking on each others doors and leaving a basket with goodies. He is quite a good cook, and my husband and I have enjoyed all the exchange brings.

Often, during the warmer days, I would see Lew dressed in his fishing gear, waiting for his daughter’s husband to pick him up to go fly fishing. He always waved and smiled and was so welcoming.

One day, I heard a lot of commotion outside and discovered Lew showing off his new sports car in the driveway. He loved talking cars and shop with all the neighbors. Especially the women.

This past year, Lew has asked for help with some issues on his home as I’m now the HOA president. He is hard of hearing, and so is my husband, so I understand and keep it short and look at him when I speak so he can read my lips. He always drops off something on my porch in thanks.

A few months ago, Lew talked to me about longing to get back to the ocean and get his own boat so he could fish every day all year long. He then showed me a picture of a place he had been looking at for quite some time in North Carolina right on a channel of water but sheltered from direct ocean exposure. I checked out each room, and it had plenty of space for visits from his daughter’s he assured me, as well as my husband and I. I told him we would miss him and he said well then you must come and visit me. I told him we would love to.

Soon, Lew was at the door asking me about the price and what I thought, and I was very encouraging about him buying this dream home. He needed help with the Docusign, and of course, my husband walked him through the steps of the process, and Lew signed and initialed all the correct spots for the first time ever by email. He was so proud thankful and happy to be pursuing his dream!

Again, there were more food gifts at the door. Lew has since sold his current home and closed on the new home. He has shared his bird food and some items he thought I could use as he is packing for his move soon.

I am so happy for Lew. He will be missed, but he is now an extended “family” member. I’m so grateful for following my heart to build community and for him to follow his heart and his dream no matter age or time.

Quite inspiring! Thanks, dear friend!

– my thoughts on writing a message to my 100-year young self ❤️ Susan

Living Purpose

Do you enjoy your job?

We all have a purpose for living! Have you felt what that is through your life force moving and breathing and thinking and feeling through you?

Living consciousness is all around us. It moves like a river through our very being and feeds and guides our every step. When we move spontaneously with this living consciousness willfully and in a surrendered state, we are guided.

Did you know that what you are looking for is also looking for you? There is always an answer to every question you have. The answer is naturally drawn to you when you ask.

What are the quality and type of questions that are we asking? What do we deep down at the core of our being want to know?

What do we desire to be a part of? Can we feel, see, touch, and taste the flavors, textures and rhythmns of our conscious choices?

Life is a dance we all are a part of. Actually getting up and dancing will put you in direct connection with this beautiful force of life and our connected consciousness.

It’s a Sacred journey you and I are embarked on and an adventure worth feeling and touching in every moment. Don’t forget who you are. Remember that we are here for a reason. What’s yours?

– Contemplations by Susan

What are your goals for the coming year?

Creating Passionate Goals is key 🔑

Whatever your goals are, just take a moment to sit and feel. Feel the chair, floor, or earth beneath you. Feel your feet on the ground if standing. Feel the backside of your body if seated. Relax. Take a deep breath.

Begin to recall the most happy moment in your life. Notice joy rising inside you. Hold this feeling. Let it expand and grow as you do.

From this place , ask yourself, “What am I here to express? ” “What makes me most happy?” “What is my passion?”

From that place, take your pen and paper and write your goals for today, for this week, for this month, for this year, for the five year mark….

You can create categories such as work, personal, and community. Be creative, have fun, and let your imagination go. Stay with your joy. Bring it with you everywhere you go.

– Susan

Enjoying the Moment

Recently my husband and I were able to resume our hiking in the Rocky Mountains after a two year pause because of injuries on both our counts. During those years we did alot of walking, biking, and yoga to build back our core strength. We love to exercise but frankly hiking is our favorite form and we really missed it!

Hiking is the best because you are totally emersed in raw nature. We definitely respect that and along with our lunch we carry rain gear, an extra layer, gloves, lots of water, toilet paper and pack out material, first aide, sun care, and a various usundry of toiletries.

On several occasions other hikers have made fun of our stash, and at other times we are the prepared one’s who help our fellow hikers! No matter what we are happy campers enjoying life immensely.

After our hikes we always feel that our whole beings have been cleansed and rejuvenated and revived by our connection to the thing most important to our survival … Mother Earth!

Opening to Peace

Take a deep inhalation through your nose. Pause. Exhale deeply through you mouth. Pause.

La Cherie Eden Rose

Repeat four times. Next inhalation raise both arms overhead. Hold. As you exhale bring your arms down and fold forward. Hold. You can do this both standing and seated. Repeat four times.

Next inhalation raise your right arm up overhead . Hold. As you exhale arch the right arm overhead to the left. Hold. Inhale the right arm back up overhead. Hold. Exhale and release your right arm to your right side. Hold. Inhale the left arm overhead. Hold. Exhale arch the left arm overhead to your right side. Hold. Inhale left arm back overhead. Hold. Exhale the left arm to your left side. Hold. Repeat four times.

Inhale your arms overhead. Hold. Exhale twist right and lower your right arm behind you and your left arm in front of your body. Hold. Inhale arms overhead and face straight forward. Hold. Exhale twist to the left lowering your left arm behind your body and your right arm in front. Hold. Inhale unwind arms overhead and face forward. Hold. Exhale your arms to your sides. Hold.Repeat four times.

Peaceful ✌️

Changing the Story

Life is a magical or not so magical series of stories we tell ourselves. What is your story? What do you believe to be true in this world?

Life is magical ✨️ 💖

I have a desire to bring a new story to the world of business. In my encounters with social media, advertising, and business interactions over the course of my lifetime, I have noticed a pattern of behavior among the people and businesses that reflects an attitude or story of giving to get. In other words, a bait and sometimes bait and switch technique that is one of self interest or benefit.

Not all people or business’s live this self interest go get ’em me first my profit listen to me I win testament, however, the many that do require a reboot at this point in history.

Our world is in a place of division, war, social change and ecological disaster because this old story has played itself out and nearly destroyed all life in the process.

Me first is no longer our story, we have already begun the We First new Era of co-operation and service. An Era of social justice and equality. A world of new inventions and empowerment to solve all our current issues. An Era where we remember the Sacredness of All Life and treat everything and everyone with respect and reverence. All of life is connected. What we do, think, or say to one person or being we do to All Beings.

Let’s write this new story together. Let’s give more than we receive and keep that circle going. Let’s bring our best to all circumstances and places. Let’s Let’s listen to each other and build a new Era of Peace, Prosperity, Health, and Happiness for All. Let’s all move with an urgency and a passion that is contageous and catches like wildfire!

Bee the change!


Magickal Raven


Beautiful Raven
Keeper of Secrets
Tell me what I need to Know;
Bearer of Omens
Life Giving Insight
Lover of Lost Souls.
Give me Introspection
Self knowledge and healing.
Connect me to Courage and
Power of thought;
Change in consciousness,
All things New,
Comfort Within.
Master magician to my
High Priestess Soul!

sgeorge 11/22/20


#10) Rooftop Solar

My home with an 8.3 kW solar system installed

The tenth most effective way to draw carbon back to the earth is ROOFTOP SOLAR in the book “Drawdown” by Paul Hawken.

Ranking and Results by 2050

  • 24.6 gigatons of reduced CO2
  • $453.1 billion net cost
  • $3.46 trillion net savings

The first solar array appeared on a rooftop in New York City in 1884! It was installed by Charles Fritz, who believed “photoelectric” modules would wind up competing with coal-fired power plants. The first plant based on these “photoelectric” modules was brought online by Thomas Edison in 1882, also in New York City.

Today, solar is replacing electricity generated by coal, natural gas, and kerosene and diesel generators. The sun’s light continually strikes the surface of the earth with an energy more than 10,000 times the world’s total use. Small scale photovoltaic systems, typically sited on rooftops, are playing a significant role in harnessing that light, the most abundant resource on earth. When photons strike the thin wafers of silicon crystal within a vacuum sealed solar panel, they knock electrons loose and produce an electrical circuit. These subatomic particles are the only moving parts in a solar panel, which requires no fuel.

While solar photovoltaics provide less than 2% of the world’s electricity at present, PV has seen exponential growth over the past decade. Rooftop modules are spreading around the world because of their affordability. Falling costs and government incentives has helped accelerate it’s development, as well as financing.

The advantages of solar far exceed the price. Producing solar panels has some emissions , but in operation solar panels do not emit any air pollution or greenhouse gases. Grid-tied systems avoid grid transmission losses, and benefit the customer with “net-metering” arrangements where the grid acts as the battery and any excess is paid back to the customer. By having solar energy part of their energy-generation portfolio, utilities can avoid capital costs of additional coal or gas plants, and customers can avoid paying these fees.

Jobs created by the solar industry benefit all countries, as in Bangaladesh alone, solar has created 115,000 direct jobs on 3.6 million home solar systems.

With producer and user under one roof, energy gets democratized. As soon as a homeowner flips the switch on their roof-top solar system, it is 10 years for cash paid in full customers and 12 years for most financed customers that the system has paid for itself and electricity is then virtually free.

— from Paul Hawkens book “Drawdown”

#9) Silvopasture

Forest grazing

Silvopasture is nestled under the FOOD section of Drawdown’s book of one hundred ways to pull CO2 back into the earth, and it is the ninth most effective way to accomplish this.

Ranking and Results by 2050

  • 31.19 gigatons reduced CO2
  • $41.6 billion net cost
  • $699.4 billion net savings

Silvopasture is the integration of trees and pasture or forage into a single system for raising livestock, from cattle and sheep to deer and ducks. Rather than seeing trees as a weed to be removed, silvopasture integrates them into a sustainable and symbotic system. It is one approach within the broader umbrella of agroforestry and revives an ancient practice, now common on over 350 million acres worldwide. Trees, animals, forage, and soil are required. It is the soil that is the essential component for mitigating climate change.

The animals sequester carbon under food into the soil by walking and running. Silvopasturing sequesters carbon not only in the soil, but in the biomass above ground. Silvopasture also benefits the animals and trees. Livestock function as weed control, and manure provides natural fertilizer. It can also help farmers and livestock adapt to erratic weather and drought. Trees create cooler climate and moderate water availability. Silvopasture is a climate win-win!

— from “Drawdown” by Paul Hawken

#8) Solar Farms

Large solar arrays powered by solar photovoltaics (PV’s)

Nested under the category of ENERGY is the eighth most effective form of drawing carbon back to the earth, SOLAR FARMS.

Ranking and Results by 2050

  • 36.9 gigatons reduced CO2
  • -$80.6 billion net cost
  • $5.02 trillion net savings

A massive ramp-up of of solar power is part of any scenario for drawing CO2 back into earth, simply because it makes sense. The sun shines every day providing a virtually unlimited, clean, and free fuel at a price that never changes. Small clustered and distributed panels are conspicuous , where large scale arrays are more obvious and can contain hundreds, sometimes thousands, and even in some cases millions of panels generating huge capacities of energy, even in the tens or hundreds of megawatts. When their full lifespan is taken into consideration, solar farms curtail 94% of the carbon emissions that coal plants emit, and completely eliminate emissions of sulfur and nitrous oxides, mercury, and particulates. Beyond the ecosystem damage that these pollutants do, they are major contributors to outdoor air pollution and are responsible for 3.7 million premature deaths in 2012.

Compared to rooftop solar, solar farms enjoy lower installation costs per watt, and their efficiency in turning sunlight into electricity (known as their efficiency rating) is higher. When their panels are made to rotate to make the most sun efficiency, generation improves dramatically. Although, the solar panel production time is during the day, peaking between 10 am and 2pm, and electrical demand usually peak after 5pm . Therefore, complimentary renewables, such as geothermal and wind that have different generation rhythms are integral to a flexible and intelligent grid.

According to the International Renewable Energy Agency , solar energy already is credited to saving 220 to 330 million tons of carbon dioxide from entering our earth’s atmosphere each year, and photovoltaics is less than 2% of the global electricity mix at the present moment. Some Oxford researchers predict solar will provide 20% of global energy needs by 2027! Thanks to government interventions and market progress, there are many promising signs: costs reaching “grid parity” with fossil fuel generation and dropping, the typical solar factory churning out hundreds of megawatts of solar capacity each year, and panels lasting easily for 25 years, if not decades more. Italy, Germany, and Greece are leaders in the solar revolution. Blessings!

— from Paul Hawkens book “Drawdown “