“Follow your Heart ❤️ “
Over the past five years, I have been more actively reaching out to my neighbors to build community and cohesiveness. During this time, I have been developing a wonderful connection with my across the way neighbor who is 87 years young and a former ship captain from Florida. Hence, many people call him “Captain,” but I call him Lew, which is a shortened version of his real name.
A few times, Lew has needed some advice, and I’ve been there to give it. I especially loved the stories of how he loved watching me work on my roses because it reminded him of his wife. “She loved rose’s too! ” he said, and I could sense how much he missed her.
Lew and I have traded food and wine quite a bit by inadvertently knocking on each others doors and leaving a basket with goodies. He is quite a good cook, and my husband and I have enjoyed all the exchange brings.
Often, during the warmer days, I would see Lew dressed in his fishing gear, waiting for his daughter’s husband to pick him up to go fly fishing. He always waved and smiled and was so welcoming.
One day, I heard a lot of commotion outside and discovered Lew showing off his new sports car in the driveway. He loved talking cars and shop with all the neighbors. Especially the women.
This past year, Lew has asked for help with some issues on his home as I’m now the HOA president. He is hard of hearing, and so is my husband, so I understand and keep it short and look at him when I speak so he can read my lips. He always drops off something on my porch in thanks.
A few months ago, Lew talked to me about longing to get back to the ocean and get his own boat so he could fish every day all year long. He then showed me a picture of a place he had been looking at for quite some time in North Carolina right on a channel of water but sheltered from direct ocean exposure. I checked out each room, and it had plenty of space for visits from his daughter’s he assured me, as well as my husband and I. I told him we would miss him and he said well then you must come and visit me. I told him we would love to.
Soon, Lew was at the door asking me about the price and what I thought, and I was very encouraging about him buying this dream home. He needed help with the Docusign, and of course, my husband walked him through the steps of the process, and Lew signed and initialed all the correct spots for the first time ever by email. He was so proud thankful and happy to be pursuing his dream!
Again, there were more food gifts at the door. Lew has since sold his current home and closed on the new home. He has shared his bird food and some items he thought I could use as he is packing for his move soon.
I am so happy for Lew. He will be missed, but he is now an extended “family” member. I’m so grateful for following my heart to build community and for him to follow his heart and his dream no matter age or time.
Quite inspiring! Thanks, dear friend!
– my thoughts on writing a message to my 100-year young self ❤️ Susan