Recently my husband and I were able to resume our hiking in the Rocky Mountains after a two year pause because of injuries on both our counts. During those years we did alot of walking, biking, and yoga to build back our core strength. We love to exercise but frankly hiking is our favorite form and we really missed it!

Hiking is the best because you are totally emersed in raw nature. We definitely respect that and along with our lunch we carry rain gear, an extra layer, gloves, lots of water, toilet paper and pack out material, first aide, sun care, and a various usundry of toiletries.
On several occasions other hikers have made fun of our stash, and at other times we are the prepared one’s who help our fellow hikers! No matter what we are happy campers enjoying life immensely.
After our hikes we always feel that our whole beings have been cleansed and rejuvenated and revived by our connection to the thing most important to our survival … Mother Earth!