As we embrace impermanence, appreciation emerges. Value opens to richness and blessedness. Everything becomes sacred. And then when we create and build our lives. we move from our being, not wanting to have or acquire.
It takes great patience and love to sit with and hold the emotions and uncomfortableness which arises as we hold this truth of impermanence in our consciousness. Are we asleep, awake, or aware to our resistance or do we surrender to knowing all matter changes form? Do we try to push matter along or do we mold it realizing it is sacred form? When we see someone cut us off in the flow of traffic as we drive to our destinations, do we resist or embrace them?
When we create our lives like works of art and realize we are all sacred material, we move about the planet with patience and love. We slow down, and allow people, ideas, and all life forms to merge with us, realizing we are all connected. Embracing our impermanence allows us to be satiated, satisfied, happy, even joyful to be alive and be a part of a spectacular miracle called life. And embracing life this way, all problems of hunger, abuse, poverty, global warming and fossil fuel dependency will be solved. The canvas awaits our stroke. What colors will we paint? The artist remembers love is eternal.